 / Beauty

It's all a matter of phototype

10 February 2025

Under the sun, you can get sunburnt or tanned, you can look beautiful or just plain red. It depends on the phototype, a dermatological classification that affects our skin and helps us to choose the most appropriate protection methods.

The diagnosis of the phototype is based on three factors: analysis of the manifestations observed after previous photo-exposure, skin and hair colour, and ethnicity

* Photo type 1: milky complexion with freckles, blue eyes, red hair. Always extreme photoprotection

* Photo type 2: fair skin, blue or green eyes, blond hair. Always high photoprotection

* Phototype 3: fair skin, brown eyes, brown hair. Start with medium-high photoprotection and decrease after the first few days of exposure

* Photo type 4: olive skin, dark eyes, brown hair. Start with medium photoprotection and decrease after the first few days of exposure

* Phototype 5: olive skin, dark eyes, black hair. Low photoprotection

What phototype are you? Discover the Max Pier sun products best suited to your skin!

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