These general conditions of sale (the ‘General Conditions’) govern the terms and conditions of sale of the products marketed by Lacona SRL. All contracts for the sale of Products by Lacona SRL to third parties are governed by these General Terms and Conditions, which form an integral and substantial part of every proposal, order and order confirmation for the purchase of Products. The sales conditions applicable to the order are those in force on the date of the order.
Unless otherwise indicated, the prices of the Products published by Lacona SRL are inclusive of VAT. The prices of the Products published from time to time by Lacona SRL cancel and replace the previous ones and are subject to the actual availability of the Products. Lacona SRL reserves the right to confirm or change the prices of the Products published on its website or in brochures and advertising material, at the time of confirmation of the Customer's order. The prices published on the website may differ from the prices of the same products at Lacona SRL's sales outlets, as they refer to limited stocks and are dedicated exclusively to the e-commerce channel
The technical and functional characteristics relating to the Products published by Lacona SRL through its promotional messages and information brochures are those communicated by the respective manufacturers. Lacona SRL assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of such information. Product images are indicative and not binding.
Products are not supplied on a trial basis. Although the operators of Lacona SRL can provide information on the characteristics of the Products, the Customer is responsible for the choice of the products ordered and for the compliance and conformity of the specifications indicated by each manufacturer with its own requirements.
All purchase orders for products transmitted to Lacona SRL must be complete in all their parts and must contain all the elements necessary for the correct identification of the Products ordered. Each product order transmitted to Lacona SRL constitutes a contractual proposal from the Customer and, therefore, will only be binding for Lacona SRL if confirmed by it for acceptance. The execution of the order by Lacona SRL is equivalent to confirmation and acceptance of the same.
Lacona SRL reserves the right to cancel orders placed and not paid for after 10 days from the date of the order. In the event of non-execution of the order by Lacona SRL (if the same is due to unavailability of the Products ordered by the Customer), Lacona SRL will inform the Customer as soon as possible and refund any sums already paid by the latter for the non-execution of the order. In this case the Customer will not be entitled to any refund or compensation of any kind.
Fiscal documentation relating to the Products ordered will be issued by Lacona SRL when the Products are shipped to the Customer. If the Customer has a VAT number and wishes to receive an invoice in his own name, he must indicate the invoice header on the order.
I termini di consegna indicati da Lacona SRL in sede di conferma dell'ordine (tempistiche standard: 10 giorni lavorativi dal ricevimento dell'ordine) si riferiscono ai Prodotti presenti presso i propri magazzini e, pur essendo attentamente valutati, devono intendersi non vincolanti per Lacona SRL, la quale può successivamente confermarli o modificarli, a seconda delle proprie effettive esigenze. Eventuali ritardi nelle consegne inferiori a 30 (trenta) giorni non danno diritto al Cliente di rifiutare la consegna dei Prodotti, né di pretendere risarcimenti o indennizzi di sorta.
Le spese per spedizioni dirette in Italia variano in base al peso, alla destinazione della spedizione. Le spese per spedizioni verso Paesi diversi da quelli specificati verranno preventivate prima della conferma d'ordine da parte del cliente.
Al momento della consegna della merce da parte del corriere, il Cliente è tenuto a controllare:
- che il numero dei colli corrisponda a quanto indicato nel bollettino di consegna del vettore;
- che l'imballo risulti integro, non danneggiato, o comunque alterato.
L'esistenza di eventuali danni o la mancata corrispondenza del numero dei colli, devono essere immediatamente contestati al corriere mediante apposita annotazione sul bollettino di consegna: “ritiro con riserva”. Resta inteso che in caso di mancata contestazione il Cliente accetta la merce consegnatagli.
La merce viaggia a rischio e pericolo del destinatario anche se venduta in porto franco. I rischi derivanti dal trasporto sono assicurati. Eventuali problemi inerenti l'integrità, la corrispondenza o la completezza dei prodotti ricevuti devono essere segnalati entro 24 ore dalla consegna all’indirizzo mail [email protected].
In caso di mancato ritiro entro 5 giorni lavorativi del materiale in giacenza presso i magazzini del corriere derivante dall'impossibilità di consegna al recapito indicato dal Cliente, l'ordine di acquisto verrà automaticamente annullato. Qualora il Cliente manifestasse la volontà di ricevere nuovamente la merce, saranno interamente a suo carico le spese di spedizione (quelle di ritorno causa giacenza e quelle di nuova spedizione).
Lacona SRL ha il diritto di effettuare la consegna dei Prodotti (anche relativa ad uno stesso ordine) in più consegne successive. Condizioni e termini di consegna particolari dovranno essere preventivamente concordate tra il Cliente e Lacona SRL ed accettate per iscritto da Lacona SRL.
Credit card: credit cards belonging to the Visa, Mastercard circuits can be used; payment is made directly on a secure server, so that transactions are absolutely safe. Orders paid for by credit card are those processed fastest.
PayPal: you can pay using a personal or company PayPal account. Depending on your account settings, this may provide the option of accessing the 3-instalment payment option without interest.
Delivery times are indicated in the shipping tab. Delivery times are understood to be from confirmation of payment and not from order; delivery is understood to be the date of departure from our warehouses and not the date of arrival.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/2005, the Customer (if he/she qualifies as a ‘consumer’ pursuant to Article 1 letter b) of Legislative Decree 206/2005) has the right to withdraw from the contract and return the ordered Products, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the Products. This right can only be exercised by consumers, therefore, all purchases made for purposes that are not unrelated to the entrepreneurial or professional activity, i.e. where a VAT number is entered in the order form, do not enjoy this right as the goods are used as a business tool.
The right of withdrawal referred to in Article 6.1 above must be exercised by the Customer, under penalty of forfeiture, by sending a registered letter to Lacona SRL, Via Ostiglia, 8D, 46100 Mantova MN, within 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the Products. The above communication may also be sent by PEC to [email protected].
All returns (which must be perfectly intact and accompanied by the original packaging) must be authorised by Lacona SRL Customer Service who will issue a Return Merchandise Authorisation Number (RMA). This number will be sent only and exclusively in electronic format to the customer via email to the address given at the time of order.
Lacona SRL will not be responsible for non-receipt of e-mails in case of incorrect or non-functional addresses; the Customer may return the Product to the following address: Lacona SRL, Via Ostiglia, 8D, 46100 Mantova MN. C.O.D. packages will not be accepted. No parcels will be accepted without authorisation (RMA). Returns must be made within and no later than 14 days from notification of the RMA number otherwise the return will be refused. The goods travel at the sender's expense and risk.
Once the Products have been received (and their integrity verified) Lacona SRL will, as soon as possible (within a maximum of 14 days), credit the Customer with the cost of the returned Products (as indicated on the invoice), retaining, where necessary, the amount of shipping costs plus handling fees that will remain definitively at the Customer's expense.
Any special offers promoted by Lacona SRL are valid while stocks last and, in any case, are subject to the actual availability of the relevant products at Lacona SRL. Special offers proposed by Lacona SRL cannot be combined. Products on special offer may be in promotional packaging.
Lacona SRL guarantees only the material integrity of the Products at the time of delivery (hereinafter ‘Lacona SRL’ Any defects covered by the Lacona SRL Warranty must be reported by the Customer, under penalty of forfeiture, no later than 2 (two) days from the date of delivery. In the event that the Lacona SRL Warranty is applicable, the Customer shall only be entitled to the replacement of the damaged Products upon return of the same, being excluded the Customer's right to compensation for any damage, even further. The shipping costs necessary for the replacement of Products shall be borne by the Customer. Upon delivery of the package, the customer shall check the integrity of the package; if the tape is firmly attached to the package, the customer may accept it, but it is always better to collect it with reserve. If by chance the package arrives with correct packaging but the product inside is broken during transport, the customer must notify us within a maximum of 2 days of receipt of the package, otherwise the responsibility will rest with the recipient. Upon receipt of notice that the product has been broken during transport Lacona SRL opens a complaint procedure with the courier and will replace the product for the customer.
The replacement procedure is the RMA procedure (see point 6.3)
Without prejudice to cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Lacona SRL, it is hereby agreed that if Lacona SRL is found to be liable to the Customer for any reason whatsoever - including the case of total or partial non-fulfilment of obligations undertaken by Lacona SRL towards the Customer as a result of the execution of an order - the liability of Lacona SRL shall not exceed the price of the Products purchased by the Customer and for which the dispute arose.
Manufacturer's warranty (Where it is specified that the warranty is the manufacturer's): The customer must contact the service centre directly.
Notwithstanding the possible applicability of mandatory provisions of the law for the protection of consumers (as defined in art.1 lett b) of the Legislative Decree 22 May 1999 n. 185), any dispute in any way related to these General Conditions shall be devolved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Mantua. Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the Customer declares that he/she has carefully read and understood and specifically accepts all the clauses of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of Lacona SRL.