Essential oils

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Essential oils are very valuable substances extracted from aromatic plants and have very active properties on the physiology, so much so that some experts claim that they contain the life force of the plant. They first penetrate the epithelial tissue, then the lymphatic system and capillaries and enter the general circulation. Due to their volatile nature, they leave the body within 48 hours.
The properties of essential oils are many: antiseptic, bacteriostatic, antibiotic, healing, antifungal, to name a few.

Our products contain blends of several oils, called Synergies, which act on the tissues with great effectiveness and intensity, harnessing and optimising all of nature's power in just a few drops. We have coded them according to their specific action, marking them with an acronym and a colour:

  • Alpha Synergy (white): ideal for massage on delicate skin and in decongestant treatments
  • Beta Synergy (yellow): for use in drainage techniques and treatment of alipidic skin and infiltrated tissues
  • Delta Synergy (green): indicated for manual techniques aimed at reducing the presence of metabolic waste in the tissues and in the treatment of panniculitis, stretch marks, etc.
  • Eta synergy (black): for tired, atonic and deeply dehydrated tissuesSigma synergy (red): shock synergy, of great help in the treatment of adipose tissues, with strong water retention and atonic

Thanks to our synergies, a wellness practitioner has products that are extremely active and geared towards enhancing the effect of manual dexterity, without forgetting the sensory gratification that only a massage can provide.

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